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As a beer enthusiast, The Other World became an actual craft beer I have brewed and branded.


The Other World was inspired by paranormal experiences and folk stories from Korea.

Juh  Seung  Sah  Jah

Having no real background or past, he shows no mercy when it comes to life expectancy. There have been rumors that some fought off their death but always ended up losing something important to them. So you better be careful of what you ask for.

Gak  shi gui  shin

It was only until she met her unfortunate love. Her husband left her on their first night and never came back. She waited wistfully at the same spot 5and died of terminal dehydration. From that day, she would wander around and put a curse on every virgin.


The Other World will host short story competition every year. Participants can decide to write about their actual experience with the ghost or made up horror story.

Winners will not only get a chance to visit the brewery, but will be able to meet Horror genre authors like Stephen King, Peter Straub, Mylo Carbia, and many others for one to one feedback. 

short promotional video

First ever augmented reality ad — "Juh Seung Sah Jah, upon the order received from the emperor Yumlah, he came to pay a visit to you. With this luscious beer, The Other World, it will make your journey to the afterlife much smoother."

snapchat /instagram filter as user-generated content marketing


The hearse (mobile bar) that will be available for a range of events and can be flexible to clients’ need.

thank  you

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